Knowledge base
Template menu interface preview:
- Chose a template category or start a custom size design.
- Hover on a template you want to use. Preview or use template.
- Side menu options.
- Filter Templates.
Quick Tools

Image cropper is a simple tool to cut specific image parts.
Remove image background as simple as upload-download. Takes a minute to process an image.

Skoshart Editor

Before you start - watch a quick tour guide.
Resize design, top menu. Enter both width and height in pixels.

Download design in PNG(best for no background images), JPG or vector SVG format.
Working on a design? Do not forget to SAVE it as often as possible.
Learn more
Discover the benefits of design templates in this short video.

A quick selected layer menu on the left. Do quick actions with the layer - move back, bring forward, flip, duplicate, delete, align.

Select a layer and click on the desired menu action.

Chose an element from categoriesed library. Or upload from 'vector' menu.
Add simple shape elements - square, circle, lines, triangle..

Edit- change colors, rotate. Apply visability("Opacity") levels and shadows.
Learn more
From basic geometric forms to advanced shapes..

Solid color background - pick from a color palette or enter color code.
Gradient color background, linear or radial. Pick from color palette and desired gradient angle.

Use an image background from our library, upload your image or search in Pixabay library.

Layers list on the right opens up all of yuor design layers in a row(from top to bottom).
Hold the layer "arrows", drag and drop layer to put above or below others. Additionaly you can hide, lock, rename selected layer.

Learn more
In this video, we'll show you how to effectively utilize layers in your design projects.

To add text, click on desired text style- standart(add text), curved(add curved text) or custom text.
Curved text options on select(left column). Text, radius, font size, letter spacing, font family, color..

Curved text options on select(left column). Text, text effect(bulged, hight to low..), font family, color, shadows..
Standart text options on select(left column). Text, font size, letter spacing, font family, color, shadows..

Preview of some options applied.

Logo templates. Click to add and personalise.
Promotions. Click to add and edit.

Premade text styles. Click to add and edit.